Clean Energy Capital

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Clean Energy Capital Report - Expedited Purified Water Program

July 30, 2015

SAN FRANCISCO – Clean Energy Capital has prepared a preliminary evaluation of program delivery methods for the expedited purified water program being pursued by the Santa Clara Valley Water District.  The expedited purified water program, when in service, could provide up to 45,000 acre-feet annually of purified water to recharge the Santa Clara Valley’s groundwater subbasins and aquifers.  Santa Clara Valley is located in the southern Bay Area in California.

Clean Energy Capital was engaged by the District to prepare the report.  The report compares potential public delivery methods for the program to potential public-private partnership, or P3, delivery methods. 

The District released the report for public review as part of its agenda for its July 28, 2015 Board Meeting.  A copy of the report can be found at [Download PDF]. Additional information regarding the project, and the District, can be found at